Friday, February 28, 2014

The Blessed Unrest

The majority of this post is going to be completely unrelated to food. You've been warned.

On Thursdays, my 9 to 11 class doesn't meet, which is awesome. I come home from early morning ROTC stuff, take off my uniform, and do homework, watch the tele, and relax for a bit. Yesterday, I decided to clean. And, boy did I ever. I turned on Pandora, cranked it loud, and went to town. I cleaned the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and managed four loads of laundry. Oddly, I enjoy cleaning when it's on my own terms. I get mildly irritated when someone tells me to clean up after myself. I'm a grown adult, I know how to clean. After a good hour and a half of cleaning and organizing, I put my uniform back on and head to class.

Now, you have to understand... the tension in my apartment is at a terrible, yet hilarious level. It's at that point where nothing is a surprise, you laugh, and move on. I had organized all of the DVDs on one shelf of our tele stand- There was a clear separation between one roommate's discs and the other's, but they were right next to each other. Well, apparently, that was too close. One roommate had separated hers, and put the others on the complete opposite side of the stand. I saw that, and was floored. Like, I dropped the f-bomb, and may have moved the rest of her stuff to "her side." Why not, right? If our discs weren't good enough for hers, I'll just put everything of hers next to her discs (cleaning supplies, and other household things). I don't know why that irritated me so much, but it did. I just kept thinking, "sorry our DVDs aren't up to your standard and can't be next to yours." Pissed. I sat on the floor, reminding myself that it was petty, didn't matter, and I just needed to move on. BUT WHY DID IT MATTER THAT OUR DVDs WERE NEXT TO HERS? It doesn't matter, and it shouldn't matter, and I think that's what irritated me.

I felt the anger bubbling inside of me. I talked myself into calming down and just paced around the living room for a little. Side story, a four months ago, I was in the ER. The bills totaled over $2,000 and I was in a panic about how I was going to pay for that, school, and my living means. I sent in a request for financial aid a few weeks ago, and received the reply letters from Harborview yesterday. I decided to open those after the DVD snafu. The first was a bill, but it had my previous balance on it. My stomach dropped, thinking that they didn't award me any aid. I opened the second letter, which was addressed very kindly, and continued to say that I was awarded 100% financial scholarship. I can't even express how grateful I am for that.

What is the blessed unrest, besides the newest (amazing) Sara Bareilles album? It's actually an amazing poem that, I think, plays well into this. "There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. … No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others."

I guess the roundabout purpose for this post was a quarter ranting and three-quarter gratitude and humility. I need to stop being so easily irritated by ridiculous things like reorganized DVDs or a shoe rack (that's a whole other roommate story. I'll spare you.) I don't believe everything happens for a reason, but I do think there's a reason everything happens. Being granted that 100% coverage was a huge burden off my shoulders, and challenged me to rethink what I stressed about, and what I let affect my relationship with those in my life. I am the only 'me' there will ever be on this earth. I don't want that energy, my expressions, to be negative. I love the line "You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you." I don't want to be negatively motivated by little things, but positively motivated to do good for others and for myself. Whoever chose to give me 100% financial coverage, thank you. You allowed me to reevaluate and continually challenge how I choose to channel my energy- it is the blessed unrest of our daily lives that allows us the opportunity to continually makes those changes that motivate us to be more, be better for others and ourselves, than we were before. 

And, you better believe, the next place I live, I'm going solo. And I'm leaving my shoes in a pile at the front door. Suck it.

This is what Cait and I made for dinner last night- quinoa "fried rice" with veggies and pineapple :) Of course, I ate it in my favorite little bowl that I bought in Vietnam!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Banana Potato... NA NA NAAAAAAH

Just the greatest thing ever....

I remember watching this movie for the first time when we were still in Vietnam- we walked into the theater with our big 3-D glasses, five minutes late, and enjoyed subtitles :) The minions will forever hold a place in my heart. (This song is actually my ringtone... don't judge.)

This connects to food, believe it or not! For breakfast this morning, I had one of the BEST smoothies I have ever had. I blended coconut milk with avocado, spinach, watermelon, and frozen BANANAAAAAAH. I don't know if I'll ever be able to replicate it, but it'll be a good day if I can. I tend to not follow recipes (like... ever.) so the odds of something working twice in a row is rare, so I've learned to have a greater appreciation for things the first time around.

After a long, tiresome day of classes, I was craving something warm and delicious. Soup sounded just "meh," and I wasn't in the mood for a sandwich. A bag of potatoes peaked itself from the top of the fridge and I thought about what I could make with those. Mashed potatoes, potato salad, potato soup... SCALLOPED potatoes. And boy did I scallop the hell out of those things. Oh my gosh. Using Veganaise, nutritional yeast, turmeric powder, Daiya cheese, and sautéed onions and garlic, I put that sauce on the potatoes under the broiler for five minutes. Heaven. Even my roommates liked them! That made me happy.

For some reason, when people hear vegetarian, vegan, or gluten free, people think taste is compromised. Okay, sometimes texture can get a little funky and flavor might seem like it's missing something, but I feel like for the most part, I've had only good experiences with alternatives. My next mission is mac and cheese! I'm sure if the scalloped potatoes were good than I have a good base recipe for the cheese sauce. Now, just to recreate the Panera Bread Bowl...

Until next time, my lovelies.


Monday, February 24, 2014

thoughts, thoughts, FOOD!

It's been a crazy few days! This weekend, we were on SPRINT (Seattle Pacific Reachout International) retreat. For those of you who don't know what SPRINT is it's a group at my university that sends teams across the world on short-term mission trips. So, a few weekends ago, our core team had selected around thirty students to participate on different teams, and this weekend was the first time they got together to start team bonding and learning about how to approach preparing for their trip. It was a very emotional weekend for me; I can't believe it was a year ago that I first met my team that I went to Vietnam with. I had such a life-changing experience there, and I am so excited for the girls who are going this summer. I can't wait to go back and reunite with the fantastic people I've built relationships with there.

Food this week has been pretty decent. For some reason, my body is still adjusting to whatever it is I'm eating. There's always some kind of gurgle noise coming from my stomach- it'll be great when that stops. ;)

Food at retreat this weekend was actually really decent! They had good salad bar options, and for breakfast, they had oatmeal and frozen blueberries. I pretty much cleared the bowl of those... twice. Ha.
For lunch on the second day, I think I made my first unintentional mistake... I think. It was wild rice, so I asked the employee if there was any dairy in it, and she claimed that it didn't. However, the taste was a little like butter. I don't know if it did have butter, but after two or three bites, I stopped eating it. I filled up on salad instead :)

Today, dinner was a struggle. I tried to make something from Pinterest, and it didn't turn out all that great. It was dry fried tofu with barbecue sauce. I mean, it was still tasty, just not as visually pleasing as the pin made it seem.

This is what it was supposed to look like:


And it looked like this:

Luckily, I had green beans to pair it with. I sprinkled it with Daiya cheese and a little garlic salt. YUM!

Mid day today, I was so tired- I could hardly keep my eyes open. So, I went to a local bakery, Flying Apron, that specializes in all vegan and gluten free food. I bought a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie, and enjoyed it with an Americano. So tasty!

My original plan to only do this for a month is out the window- I'm pretty sure I'll stay vegan for the long haul! Still adjusting, but I'll get used to it. Yay! :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Oh the places you'll go

When I started this challenge a few weeks ago, I was nearly 93% sure I was only going to do it for a month. Now, more than halfway through this journey, I'm not even 7% sure I could go back to eating meat or dairy.

Research is a bittersweet thing. It's awesome to learn new things and expand what you thought were your limits of knowledge and understanding. But, on the flip side, you also learn the dirty, undesirable, and sometimes painful truth.

I took it upon myself to do more research into the dairy industry. I nearly cried, threw up, or wanted to pass out with every website, article, and documentary I watched. Hundreds of images, thousands of words, a pain we can't comprehend, simply for food that we'll taste for five minutes. A life lost for a meal. It just doesn't seem fair, and it angers me. I'm at that stage of being a vegan that I understand this isn't just a fad diet; it's a lifestyle of compassion, honesty, and love. No animal deserves to be forcefully impregnated so she can produce milk that she can't even give her calf because the babe is being taken away from her the second it's born to be taken to a slaughterhouse, and she goes to have her milk sucked out to be bottled for you to pour on cereal. After years of generating offspring that she never gets to mother, the spent cow is sent to be turned into cheap meat or pet food. I can't even fathom this... How did it get to be this disgusting industry?

I can hardly buy anything at the grocery store because everything has milk or cheese in it. Shelves and displays are packed with hundreds of dead and/or abused animals. You might not think that's a lot, but let's put it into perspective; you have a local grocery store. Within a 10 mile radius (assuming you live in a normal sized city) you have another 10-15 store options. Expand that to the whole US, and there you have it... Our meat and dairy industry. It's not even farming anymore! It's manipulation, lies, and DISGUSTING.

You can eat local and organically, but no animal ever wants to die. They say "you are what you eat." Well, I'm choosing to not eat fear. I'm choosing to not eat captivity. I'm choosing to give some animal, somewhere, freedom from a life it had no choice in having.

I'll write more later... My heart is just so heavy thinking about it...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love is in the Air

Halfway through the month! It’s crazy how fast time is going by, and how smooth this is going. I’ve been busy with school and work, so I haven’t been too frequently updating my blog, so I’m sorry about that; I’ll try to be better about it!

I came to the realization a few days ago that, on Tuesday, I register for my final quarter of college! And, since I’ve already met my major requirements (besides one class), in order to keep my ‘full-time’ student status with 12 credits, I’m taking some fairly easy classes. The one class I have to take is a torturous one. It’s every day, from 8:30-9:20. EVERY stinkin’ DAY. Who does that?! Arg. That took away my ability to take a dance class, which I wasn’t too happy about, but I guess I’ll just have to deal with it.

Currently, it’s 1pm on Sunday… The wind is blowing and the rain is falling, and I’m sitting in a coffee shop drinking a latte. Norah Jones, via KPLU, is making my mind wander all sorts of directions. I started thinking about this weekend thus far, and my recap of Valentines Day…

Props to Paig Horton for putting up with me. Since her boyfriend is stuck in Japan waiting to fly back to America, we decided to get together and make food and have a girl’s night in. We had pulled up my vegan Pinterest board and we were ready to do some baking and cooking. After a quick trip to the store, we get back to her house and start prepping everything. We planned to make braided spaghetti bread, jalapeno poppers, BBQ cauliflower, and peanut butter chocolate bars. Well, that didn’t all happen. I started on the bread while Paig prepped for the jalapenos. As she was adding the ingredients, I caught the label of the breadcrumbs- it said “Italian” style. Of course, I check the ingredients, and it has cheese. Okay, so those were out. While the spaghetti was boiling, she starts mixing the goods for the peanut butter bars. They called for graham cracker crust- long story short, milk fat. Now, she’s just annoyed (bless her heart) as I keep apologizing for ruining everything. We ended up with a huge role of awesome spaghetti bread and an improvised recipe for the peanut butter bars. Both turned out delicious! I really did feel bad putting such a constraint on our cooking adventures. The thought crossed my mind to just let her add the ingredients, but I had made it half of the month, and I wasn’t about to just throw in the towel.

My latte is nearly gone, now. The coconut syrup is more apparent at the bottom- I like that.

You know what else I like? Being vegan. I really think this is something I’m going to stick with for a while. I feel good (besides being bloated from Aunt Flo), and in my continuous research, I feel more, I don’t know the word…Grateful? Loving? Humane? about my decision to not eat or use animal products.  It’s caused me to be more cautious (maybe that’s the word?) about knowing what’s in my food.

What I’m still trying to figure out is balance- how to not eat only cabrs one day, and only veggies the next. I’m am learning, though, that this isn’t an overnight process. It takes 28 days to break a habit, they say, so I’m being patient with myself.  I haven’t, knowingly, eaten dairy, meat, eggs, or anything of the sort in 16 days, and I feel ready and eager to go many more! J

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A supernova grew up to be stardust

Sara's always in my head. This is what I'm listening to :)

Yesterday, I got a good chuckle out of my meals. I started off the day with toast and peanut butter with a banana, but maaaaaaaaaaaan was I craving Nutella. I have been using the white chocolate peanut butter (yes, it's vegan!) and it's sufficed, but I'm still on the hunt for an alternative Nutella. I have found a few recipes on Pinterest that I need to try still!

So, last night has been a very anticipated evening for a while: Imagine Dragons were in town, and I had tickets 8 rows from the stage! Ah, but of course I had a math midterm the next morning. My luck. Before the concert, I had picked my friend up at the airport and we went to a seafood restaurant for dinner. I chose not to say anything about being vegan because I figured there'd be a few options on the menu for me without having to eat only a bowl of lettuce. I did, however, end up with a salad, but it was delicious! It had a very mild vinaigrette with cranberries and walnuts. I paired it with a side of broccolini- it made for a nice light dinner before the concert. The show itself was amazing! I couldn't hear for a while afterwards, but it was a great performance. I love going to concerts where the band actually interacts with the crowd and they showcase their music ability without being too "showy." Nevertheless, it was definitely worth staying up for! (well, I might retract that statement when I get my math exam back...)

When I woke up this morning, I knew I needed something to get me through the majority of the morning since I had class and an eye appointment that would keep me out of the house until noon. I enjoyed some delicious granola along with the blueberry coconut yogurt. For a little sweetness, I threw on some dehydrated cranberries from Trader Joe's! :) If you haven't check out Nature Box before, I would highly recommend them. They have a variety of vegan and gluten-free options to choose from, and they don't tease you with sample sizes- the portions are great! I get one box a month and it comes with five bags of goodies, ranging from Citrus Chipotle Chickpeas, Granola, Fortune Cookies, or Trail Mix. Go check them out!

My pride and joy of the eating world today was the soy "chicken-less" tenders I bought the other day. HOLY (not) COW. They were so delicious. I've been trying this whole 'portion control' nonsense, so I only had three, but I could have eaten that whole freakin' bag. I dipped them in a tasty barbecue sauce and they were scrumptious! I'll definitely be purchasing more of those.

In the meantime, my poor body is still trying to figure out what I'm doing to it, at the same time I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing to it. One of the surprisingly difficult things with this transition is a proper balance in daily meals- making sure I'm not carb heavy one day and all veggies the next, and fruit sugars the next. My tum has been quite gurgley, but from what I've read, the amount of fiber I'm consuming is probably a lot more than usual so my body just has to get used to it. In time it will, but until then... Well, I'll just go buy more candles for the apartment. Sorry. ;)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rain and yogurt. Two things I didn't used to love...

I've lived in Washington my whole life. Besides random three month stays in other states and countries, the Puget Sound has always been home. This means I've never had four season; I've had rain, rain, rain, a little bit of sun, and more rain. I used to hate it, but as I've gotten older, there's something about the rain that is calming and comforting. I've grown to love it. :)

I used to hate yogurt, mainly because I associated it with pain. Finally during my senior year of high school, I went to the doctor, and found out I'm lactose intolerant. Makes sense. Occasionally, I'd sneak in a piece of pizza, some mac and cheese, or a bowl of ice cream. Being vegan has been nice because I'm not tempted to eat those things that hurt my stomach. But, while browsing through Trader Joe's, I found a gem; coconut yogurt!
When I was last in Tennessee, my aunt had this in the fridge, and I don't know why it's taken so long for me to try. IT'S DELICIOUS.
I must say, it's been fun finding things that taste better vegan. Yogurt, hot chocolate, sorbet, cereal... Don't get me wrong, I'm missing pizza... ;)


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snowflakes falling to the ground...

Today has been an interesting day. Nothing spectacular happened, but it was a nice day all to myself. I haven't had this much time to just sit and be... alone in quite some time.
One thing I did today was go to the grocery store because I needed to grab a few things. I was browsing in the natural and organic section and I spotted my favorite meatless 'chicky nuggs' (that's what I call chicken nuggets, I don't know why.) I hadn't purchased them since starting being vegan. I grabbed a box to look at the ingredients and was surprised to see they were filled with eggs and powdered milk. As I was putting the box back and I thought, "Man, there are so many things that I can't eat!"
Interesting moment #1: 
Thinking about what I can't eat will only make me fail. Immediately after I thought about the things I couldn't eat, my mind flooded with challenges and temptations and thoughts of just giving up now. Just then, I was rounding the corner into the meat section and my mind went a completely different route. All of those animal never had a choice. From the moment they were born, it was already decided for them what they were going to be- food. I felt sick as I looked at all of the packaged meats, cheeses, and yogurts thinking of all the animals that are not even valued as such. Their only purpose is for human consumption. Even if you buy organic, cage free, grass fed, or whatever other tactic is used to make us believe these animals are in the best condition, there's still no such thing as humane treatment. Laws are in place to ensure animals are treated humanely. I'm sorry, that's impossible. The very definition of humane is "marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration." There's no way any death of an animal or use of animal for consumer purposes is humane. 

After coming home, I watched a movie called Mary and Martha. It's about two women who travel to Africa with their sons, and both sons end up dying of malaria. After their deaths, the mothers become dedicated to the cause of malaria treatments and aids such as mosquito nets to help lessen the number of deaths from the terrible disease. I cried. Straight cried like a baby. This is partially because Aunt Flo is on her way and mainly because the sad reality is that mothers and fathers lose their sweet, innocent children every day from something that has some ability to be protected against. I can't imagine what it's like as a parent to lose a child, especially to something that could have possibly been prevented if there were appropriate resources.
Interesting moment #2: 
What am I doing here? I spent $600 on a gym membership I never use, $20 on a pair of jeans, $5 on a bundle of flowers, an almost daily $3.53 on my espresso drink, and god only knows where else I've childishly spent my money. Where are my priorities? Do I even have any? What are they? Before you think "This is America, not Africa- we have these resources!" just hear me out. I understand these countries are starkly different in their resources, but communally, think of how much we could help with the 'resources' we have. When I went to Vietnam, I raised almost $1,000 dollars. What if I, we, approached helping others with the same ferocity instead of buying something we don't really need? I guess this is a roundabout way of saying I want to gain better control of my finances, and use them in a way that is actually helpful to our society.

After watching a bit of the Olympics and doing some homework, I was exhausted, so I took a four hour nap. I don't think I've done that since I was a toddler. I woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow outside, and couldn't resist the urge for something warm to drink. I decided to make cinnamon chips and cinnamon hot chocolate. Thanks to my awesome aunt, Erika, I made a delicious vegan hot cocoa powder. The cinnamon chips were super easy, too. The recipe is from The Pioneer Woman who is about as far from vegan as it gets, but I made some substitutions and they turned out wonderfully. (find the recipe HERE!) Mine weren't as aesthetically pleasing, but still just as yummy.
Once my coconut/almond milk was warm, I stirred in my cocoa mix and dipped the chips in the foamed delicousness. So tasty!
Interesting moment #3:  
Being vegan isn't easy... yet. I'm still getting into the routine of checking ingredient labels, but what I am beginning to value is the ability to do so much of this by myself. By that I mean making a lot of things from scratch, and using much healthier alternatives to what I normally used. Watching the snow fall while listening to jazz (my good high school friend Jimmie Herrod) and sipping my hot chocolate allows my mind to wander and I get to a point where I think just how grateful I am for everything. For life, for family and friends, for every breath I get to take, and every moment in between. There's something about snow that seems to wipe away the mental impurities- Even with an inch on the ground, I feel peace. I feel like I'm beginning a very delicate, meaningful transition in my life, and I am ready to take it on. 


Friday, February 7, 2014

What the pho.

I nearly cried.... pho broth, even the vegetarian one,  has fish oil. I WILL NOT SURVIVE.

That is all.

In the meantime. ..

Panera vegetable soup and bread bowls are vegan. This is a very good thing.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Relax, take it easy... (day 3 and 4)

I'm not sure why this song is in my head, but it is, so here you go... :)

UPDATE: Oh my goodness! This is going really well! (I guess I'm just trying to be overly optimistic because I'm sure temptation is looming around a dark corner.)

The past few days have been amazing. The Seahawks parade wrapped through downtown Seattle on Wednesday, and it was such an amazing experience to be a part of. Even though I had to work, I could feel the power of the 12s rushing through the atmosphere- it was unlike anything I've ever seen before.

With the celebrations sprouting generosity in so many people, snacks have been frequent in classrooms and department offices. This little guy right here..... it was waiting on the table in the JPC (John Perkins Center for you non-SPU students). I saw it and knew I wasn't allowed to eat it, but I took it anyway, but with the intentions on giving it to my roommate :) If anyone in Seattle is interested, it's from Frost!

I was super proud of my ability to avoid it. Once I was at work, I ended up eating a whole bag of carrots... Is that normal? I was so deep in my book that I didn't realize how many carrot coins I ate. YUM. My dinner was leftovers from the other night (the noodles and veggies) and I snuck in another of Cait's apple empanadas for dessert :)

Today was a bit of a cheat day, and not in a "bad" way- I just had more sweets than normal. There's a bakery in Seattle called The Flying Apron and they make gluten-free vegan goodies. If you get in early enough, you can get half off day olds... their ginger rounds are my absolute favorite, and the basket was FULL of them. I resisted buying all of them, but I bought two, and a poppy seed muffin, and a Russian tea cookie.

I also realized that I can't drink Swiss Miss. Heart... BROKEN. Does anyone know good alternatives?

After a day of classes and midterms, I ventured to Metropolitan Market for supper where I enjoyed a delicious cup of veggie soup. For dessert, my friend Sami and I treated ourselves to delicious Molly Moon's ice cream. They are one of the few shops in Seattle that offer multiple vegan options! Today I enjoyed salted caramel with cold chocolate sauce. It was so good!

I'm still struggling with finding variety in food. What I need to do is actually make the things I'm posting on Pinterest! I'm stuck in a rut of veggies and toast, and not that those are bad, but I know if I keep up this diet I'll be lacking good nutrients. SO, back to the research board. :)

Until next time! 


Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 1, but for real this time...

I did it! 24 hours without meat, dairy, eggs, or any other animal product. :) I reached for the honey for my tea this morning and sighed a little in disappointment, BUT, I added raw cane sugar instead and it tasted just dandy.

A trip to the grocery store proved to be a little more difficult than I was anticipating. Nearly everything I normally purchased, even if it was vegetarian, had other animal products sneakily placed in their ingredients list. I started to realize though that a lot of products that are vegan will have a seal on the label saying it is certified vegan! That label was helpful when it came to some of my normal products that I reluctantly had to place back on the shelf- like bread! So many of them had milk protein in them; I had no idea! Luckily I found a vegan, organic, non-GMO bread that I'm really excited to try. In my trip today, I purchased some tasty goodies along with my bread... Tons of bananas and avocados, a mango, some leafy greens, and of course some tasty meat alternatives. My favorite purchase though has to be the white chocolate peanut butter. I've always wanted to try this, and it just so happened to be on sale... I couldn't pass this one up :)

So, with my "day 1" off to a good start, I'm excited to keep moving on. Check out my other tabs of the blog to get more detailed info! :)


Sweet, unfortunate, delicious.... failure. Day 1 and 2.

I picked a terrible time to become vegan. A weekend of football smothered in barbecue sauce, ranch onion dip, and everything cooked and fried to golden (Tate) perfection. Cookies coming at me from every direction, and almost every dessert topped with a glistening dollop of whipped cream.

Needless to say, I didn’t make it more than 10 hours of being vegan. Day one: Fail. I ended up eating a cookie that had egg in it (partially because I didn’t know it, and looked after it was already in my mouth, and partially because I deliberately chose not to look because I was 97% sure it had a dairy product in it) and that set the tone for the day. After my indulgence, I made sure to take advantage of the ruined day- I had peanut butter cups (from Trader Joes, so they’re … kinda good for me, right?) and I put a scoop of whipped cream on my dessert at our family dinner.

Ashamed? Yes, I am. Very, actually. I set a goal, and within hours, I was already making acceptions to my fairly simple goals. All I had to say was “No.” But, it wasn’t that easy, and that took me by surprise. I could have done all the research in the world, but nothing could have prepared me for that first bout with temptation.

This whole weekend, where parties and bars boast their delicious appetizers, my stomach is craving. Wanting. Desiring.  And my mindset yesterday was “Well, I messed up today, so I’ll just start for real on Monday.” How many times does this approach actually work? Let’s be real. Like that one time I said I’d go to the gym tomorrow, or I’ll read that book later, or I’ll study before the night-of an exam… HA. My life seems to be a series of procrastination, and that troubles me. Looking back, and somewhat forward, I can see these decisions being made and nothing coming of it. My goals and plans and wants going…  absolutely nowhere. Loose fifteen pounds, read 100 pages, actually get an A on an exam… Nothing. It hasn’t happened. And, that’s my own entire fault, because I can’t stick to anything.

I want to change that. I want to FINALLY take a stand for something, and stop giving in and quitting because of trivial, unnecessary, and probably only temporarily satisfying instant gratifications. I want to prove to myself that I can do this; that I can learns self-control, and how to stand up and stick to what I want.

Of course, I’ll read back over my “pep-talk” tonight… after I’ve eaten my way through the Super Bowl.
